Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Community Curbs Crime with Cake

Mitchell’s Plain – When Judah Community Fellowship was hit repeatedly by a crime wave, the congregation decided that they will not buckle under their misfortune. Says pastor’s wife Mrs. Jenny Richards: “Our church have been broken into no less than seven times, our brand new musical instruments stolen and we’re also stuck with a high water bill because the thieves came back to steal the copper piping off our plumbing system, thereby causing the church to flood.”

The Judah Community Fellowship High Tea, which took place on 1 August 2009 on the church property, was held as a means of raising funds to make up for the losses they suffered during these forced entries. Says Mrs. Richards: “We have to fix the places where the thieves gained access to the church, secure the building, replace our instruments, fix the toilets, not to mention all the other things that needed to be done before the break ins.”

The day kicked off at 14:30 with fellowship led by Mrs. Allison Julies, a bible reading and a word of encouragement from Mrs. Muriel Herbert and the opening prayer by Mrs. Richards. After these formalities, the guests proceeded to socialize with each other, raising their teacups in a toast to a crime-free future.

The twelve tables, which were hosted by Mrs. Richards and eleven other congregation members, managed to raise R3600, 00. According to Mrs. Richards, this amount will be used to secure the building against future possible forced entries. She is well aware that one function will not be enough to raise funds for all the things that need to be done, but remains optimistic that they will be able to generate more funds. “This is just the first of many more functions to come, so watch this space!”

1 comment:

  1. This article, as well as the article "Breaking Bread", was originally written for the Capetonian, a publication that never lifted off. After all the hard work I put into producing these articles, as well as all the disappointed people in Eerste River who cooperated with me in the hopes that this community will be put on the map, I decided that it would be a shame if these articles did not receive the limelight they deserve. Thus, the E-River Community Blog! Enjoy!
